About the Foundation

The generosity and commitment of the community has been inspiring and has helped us make great strides with our goals.

The addition of Kerr Street Mission Foundation enables Kerr Street Mission to more effectively manage and invest legacy, estate, and other multi-year gifts.

There have been numerous occasions when donors have expressed an interest in including Kerr Street Mission in their wills with the hope to create a lasting impact over many years.

Other donors have expressed a desire to make a tax-effective donation following the sale of a business or other investments with the hope their donation could be utilized and have an impact over a multi-year period.

Kerr Street Mission has a wide range of day-to-day operational responsibilities to support its clients and carry out its mission. Donations for current activities will continue to be made to Kerr Street Mission.

Kerr Street Mission Foundation, on the other hand, focuses on two key activities:

(i) working with KSM supporters who wish to leave an estate or legacy gift or otherwise wish their donations to be used over a multi year period; and

(ii) ensuring that these funds are invested wisely so that they can grow and meet the longer term needs of KSM.

Meet our Board

Kerr Street Mission Foundation has been able to attract board members with strong philanthropic and investment interests and skills to assist us in ensuring, not only the long term sustainability of Kerr Street Mission, but also the capacity to increase KSM’s future impact on the community.

Cliff Inskip, Kerr Street Mission Foundation Board Chair

Cliff has a strong background in capital markets and has extensive board and governance experience along with a heart for helping the disadvantaged. The Board of Kerr Street Mission asked him to help establish and chair Kerr Street Mission Foundation.

“Having served nine years on the KSM Board and having seen a glimpse of KSM’s impact on its clients and the Oakville community, I welcomed the opportunity to serve on the Kerr Street Mission Foundation Board.”

Craig Merrigan, Kerr Street Mission Foundation Board Director

As the former CEO and portfolio manager for an investment firm and a former Board director of Kerr Street Mission, we felt that Craig could make a significant contribution to Kerr Street Mission Foundation and we were delighted that he responded to the call to help establish and serve on the board of Kerr Street Mission Foundation.

“I invite you to make a highly impactful long-term investment in a vital organization that goes above and beyond to assist and improve the lives of our struggling Oakville neighbours.”

Ian Cockwell, Kerr Street Mission Foundation Board Director

As a long time supporter and advisor to Kerr Street Mission and an astute business person and investor with a heart for serving the Oakville community, Ian was quick to offer support to help establish the Kerr Street Mission Foundation.

“June and I are long time residents of Oakville and appreciate the much needed services Kerr Street Mission provides for its clients. Some of these services require multi-year funding and Kerr Street Mission Foundation can facilitate the funding of these services.”

Mike Reinders, Kerr Street Mission Foundation Board Director

Mike was formerly the President and CEO of Maple Reinders and is currently serving as the Kerr Street Mission Board Chair. Mike has a clear understanding of Kerr Street Mission’s strategic plan and priorities, has strong business acumen and considerable experience serving on boards of a variety of organizations.

“I love seeing how the love and care from KSM staff, volunteers and supporters helps to transform the lives of in-risk people in Oakville and look forward to the KSM Foundation backing a sustainable future.”

Domenic Vivolo, Kerr Street Mission Foundation Board Director

Domenic was a successful senior executive and brings to Kerr Street Mission Foundation extensive experience and leadership in brand marketing, sales and digital product development. He serves on the board of Kerr Street Mission and is Chair of the Fundraising and Stewardship Committee.

“Working with Kerr Street Mission for a number of years, I’ve seen what an important role it plays in the lives of those in need and strongly believe that we are blessed to have such an organization in our community. Having a strong and sustainable organization will greatly benefit the Oakville community for years to come.”

Gary O’Neill, Executive Director Kerr Street Mission Foundation

Gary has worked tirelessly to ensure that KSM is providing help and support for the low-income and at-risk population KSM is committed to serve, and that KSM is financially set so that it will be here for the long-term benefit of the community.

“It has been a privilege to be the Executive Director of Kerr Street Mission. I have been continually inspired by the generous support from the community. It is exciting that we can now offer the Kerr Street Mission Foundation to our amazing donor community.”